
The tenor Johan Krogius (*1998) began his musical studies at an early age of three, playing the cello and singing as a boy soprano soloist in the boys' choir of Helsinki Cathedral’s Cantores Minores, with whom he still regularly cooperates as a concert soloist.
He began his professional studies at the Helsinki Conservatory, followed by the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki and the Stockholm University of the Arts. He received important artistic impulses by singers such as Heikki Orama, Tommi Hakala, Tuomas Katajala, Neil Shicoff, John Norris, Andrew Watts and Gregory Lamar.

His concert repertoire includes works of baroque and renaissance music, lied and oratorio.
He works with institutions such as the Jyväskylä Sinfonia, the Helsinki Baroque Orchestra, the Tapiola Sinfonietta, and the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra.

In 2021, Johan Krogius won the Timo Mustakallio singing competition and was awarded 1st place at the Helsinki Lied competition in the same year.

As an opera singer, Johan’s lyrical tenor could be heard in roles such as Jaquino/Fidelio and Pong/Turandot in Helsinki, 1st Man in Joonas Kokkonen’s „The Last Temptations“ at Opera Jyväskylä, Don Ottavio/Don Giovanni at the Finnish National Opera in Helsinki, and as Tamino/Die Zauberflöte at Opera Tampere as well as, most recently, the Savonlinna Opera Festival.

As of season 2022/23 Johan Krogius is a member of the International Opera Studio at Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin, where he was already on stage as Haushofmeister bei Faninal/Der
Rosenkavalier, Trojaner/Idomeneo, Erster Priester and Erster Geharnischter/Die Zauberflöte, Parpignol/La Bohème and Borsa/Rigoletto, among others.

In the current season 2023/24 at Berlin’s State Opera his roles included Leukippos in Strauss' Daphne, Tamino/Zauberflöte, Ein Wirt and Haushofmeister bei Faninal/Der Rosenkavalier, and Streschnew in Mussorgky’s Khovanshchina.

In summer 2024 Johan will return to the Savonlinna Opera Festival in the roles of Don Ottavio/Don Giovanni and Ismaele/Nabucco.

In the upcoming season 2024/25 his projects include Khovanshchina/Kuska on a concert tour with the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra and Esa-Pekka Salonen, Joonas Kokkonen’s opera “The Last Temptations” at Tampere Opera, and Mozart’s Requiem at the Berlin Philharmonie.
At Staatsoper Unter den Linden he will make his role debuts as Tybalt in Roméo et Juliette and Erster Gralsritter in Parsifal, as well as sing Wirt in Der Rosenkavalier.


General Management

Artist Manager
Ingunn Sighvatsdóttir
Artist Manager 
Mobil: +49-173-2 067 821


BOM artists announced at Savonlinna Opera Festival!
To our great delight, this year's Savonlinna Opera Festival again features several BOM artists in central roles!

From July 5th, for the first time ever, Tuomas Katajala can be seen and heard as Lohengrin in Roman Hovenbitzer's new production under the baton of Stephan Zilias.
All performance dates: 05/09/12/15/18 July 2024

From July 6th, the audience can then experience Rodula Gaitanou's staging of Verdi's Nabucco, featuring Mika Kares as Zaccaria and Johan Krogius with his debut as Ismaele. The production is conducted by Ville Matvejeff and James Sherlock.
All performance dates:  06/08/11/16/19/22/24/26 July 2024

Likewise, the casts of Don Giovanni, starting on July 10th, feature some familiar names!
The role of Commendatore is sung by Mika Kares, Don Ottavio by Johan Krogius, Donna Anna by Marjukka Tepponen, Donna Elvira by Sonja Herranen, and Zerlina by Iris Candelaria. The production by Paul-Émile Fourny is conducted by Andrea Sanguineti.
All performance dates: 10/13/17/20/23/25 July 2024

More information about Lohengrin: ... 

More information about Nabucco: ...

More information about Don Giovanni: ... 
The Khovansky case 
Mussorgsky's magnificent Chowanschtschina will be performed by a BOM triple cast at the Staatsoper unter den Linden starting on the 2nd of June 2024. Led in the title role by Mika Kares as Prince Ivan Khovansky, other roles will be performed by Marina Prudenskaya as Marfa and Johan Krogius as Streshnev, as well as George Gagnizde as Boyar Shaklovity, Stephan Rügamer as Vasily Golitsyn and Taras Shtonda as Dosifey.
In this production, based on the version by Dmitri Schostakowitsch and Igor Stravinsky, Claus Guth pays particular attention to the different worlds of the individual personalities and thus gives the audience the opportunity to experience history beyond the political events and power games. Together with Simone Young's conducting, this results in an all-encompassing staging of history that represents ‘the past in the present’.

Further performance dates:
06./ 09. / 13. / 16. / 23.06

For more information about the production:
Download (High Resolution) 